Shining Some Light on the Sunset

Shining Some Light on the Sunset

Regular price $129.00

Exemption amounts for gift, estate, and generation-skipping transfer (GST) taxes are at historically high levels - but the sunset is scheduled for the end of 2025. What will this mean for your clients? What techniques might you wish to employ before the sunset? This webinar will address these questions and more, providing a foundational overview and context for practitioners less familiar with these issues, and addressing estate planning techniques from basic gifting to sophisticated estate-freezing strategies that you may wish to employ now, before the sunset. This webinar is intended for practitioners with all levels of experience.

Presented by: Phoebe Stone, JD, MA (Bioethics)

CLE: 1.0 general credit

Approved States: CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, NJ, NV, NY, OK, PA, TN, TX, UT, VT

(AK, AZ, CT, MO, ND, NH eligible to claim credit.)

We will supply you with the information needed to apply in other states.

Contact for CLE assistance.

WealthCounsel members: This CLE eligible program may be complimentary for WealthCounsel members, depending upon their subscription bundle.  Please access and view it here via the member website for optimal experience and inclusion in your CLE Profile Account.

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