In Sickness and In Health: Methods to Save Assets and Maximize Income When a Spouse Needs Care
This 60-minute webinar will cover the Spousal Impoverishment rules including the Community Spouse Resource Allowance, the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance and the associated housing allowance. Applying those rules to sample situations, the presenter will cover effective ways to convert countable resources to exempt resources. Additionally, tools to convert countable resources that must be spent down into income for the Community Spouse will be explored. Trust planning (as applicable to a spouse) and divorce will also be covered, along with pros and cons of all methods.
Presented by: Misty Vantrease
CLE: 1.0 general credit
Approved States: CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, NJ, NV, NY, OK, PA, TN, UT, VT
(AK, AZ, CT, MO, ND, NH, TX eligible to claim credit.)
We will supply you with the information needed to apply in other states.
Contact for CLE assistance.
WealthCounsel members: This CLE eligible program is complimentary for WealthCounsel members. Please access and view it here via the member website for optimal experience and inclusion in your CLE Profile Account.