Deed Drafting and Recording
The Deed is one of the oldest, most respected, and important forms of legal document. From the beginning of civilized society, the deed, or some variant thereof, has been used as the means of conveying away and taking title to real property. In more recent times, the deed has also been used as the primary means of conveying title to minerals, oil and gas, and other subsurface rights. Although the contents and provision of the standard deed have changed throughout the years, the basic form remains largely the same, and has withstood the test of time. In this course, we will address the different manners in which title can be held, the different types of estates in land, the requisite parts of a deed, and the requirements for effective and accurate drafting, delivery and recording of a deed. The course will address transfers to LLCs and trusts, transfers at death, and tax considerations.
Presented by: Erin M. Fagnilli and Frank Kosir, Jr.
CLE: 1.0 general credit
Approved States: CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, TN, TX, UT, VT
(AK, AZ, CT, MO, ND, NH eligible to claim credit.)
We will supply you with the information needed to apply in other states
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