Asset Protection for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
In an increasingly litigious world, successful business owners and entrepreneurs are at high risk of both foreseen and unforeseen lawsuits. Additionally, successful business owners and entrepreneurs face high income and estate taxes, especially on the sale of a business. In this webinar, noted asset protection and estate planning expert, Eli Akhavan, will discuss how business owners and entrepreneurs can:
- Utilize domestic and foreign asset protection trusts to protect their business and personal assets from predatory lawsuits
- Reduce their income tax liability on the sale of a business
- Create a complete estate plan for estate tax and business succession purposes while protecting their beneficiaries
Presented by: K. Eli Akhavan, JD, LLM
CLE: 1.0 general credit
Approved States: CA, CO, NJ, NV, NY, OK, PA, VT
(AK, AZ, CT, MO, ND, NH, TX eligible to claim credit)
We will supply you with the information needed to apply in other states.
Contact shopcle@wealthcounsel.com for CLE assistance.
WealthCounsel members: This CLE eligible program is complimentary for WealthCounsel members. Please access and view it here via the member website for optimal experience and inclusion in your CLE Profile Account.