An Introduction to Veterans Benefits Planning
Whether you are looking to satisfy your 3 hours of continuing education credit with the VA, or just looking to add Veterans Benefits planning to your elder law practice, this webinar is for you. By learning about the various programs offered through the VA, you can help Veterans and their spouses access important healthcare benefits, help pay for long term care, and help them understand how to obtain critical disability benefits if they were disabled as a result of their service.
This 3-hour webinar (which includes one 15 minute break), will cover a number of benefits provided by the VA Benefits Administration and the VA Health Care Administration. If you are looking to satisfy your 3-hour CLE requirement as an accredited attorney, we’ve got you covered. Not yet accredited? Visit the VA General Counsel website for everything you need to apply for accreditation.
I. Representation before the VA
a. Attorney Accreditation
b. Fees
II. Claims Procedures
a. VA Structure
b. Types of Claims and Process
III. Basic VA Eligibility
a. Basic Requirements
b. Service Connection
c. Ratings
IV. Disability Compensation
V. Dependency & Indemnity Compensation
VI. Improved Pension
a. Service Requirements
b. Dates of War
c. Disability Requirements
d. Means Test
e. Asset Limit
VII. Appeals
a. Notice of Disagreement
b. Understanding the new appeals processes
VIII. Other Benefits
Presented by: Jim Wolverton and Valerie Peterson
CLE: 3.0 credits
Approved States: CA, FL, ND, NJ, NY, OK, PA, VT
(AK, AZ, CT, MO, NH, & TX eligible to claim credit.)
Contact shopcle@wealthcounsel.com for CLE assistance.