CRT Solutions for SECURE Act Tax Disaster

CRT Solutions for SECURE Act Tax Disaster

Regular price $129.00

Millions of parents with a “creative spender” child need a trust for their traditional IRA, 401(k) or other qualified plan. However, the SECURE Act repealed the stretch IRA plan, and many conduit trusts will have a total IRA payout in the tenth year at the maximum state and federal income tax rate. The conduit trust income tax disaster is only partially avoided with an accumulation trust – the retained funds are depleted by 37% federal and up to 13.3% state taxes. The solution is a CRT with tax-free growth, protection of principal, payouts for 20 years or life and favorable tax planning for children.

Presenter: A. Charles Schultz

CLE: 1.0 General credits  

States Pre-Approved: CA, NJ, NY, OK, PA, VT

(AK, AZ, CT, MO, NH eligible to claim credit)

We will supply you with the information needed to self-apply in other states.

Contact for CLE assistance. 

WealthCounsel members: This CLE eligible program is complimentary for WealthCounsel members.  Please access and view it here via the member website for optimal experience and inclusion in your CLE Profile Account.

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